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EQUIPMENT: As many tennis balls, or similar item as possible.  50+ balls per station.

HIGHLIGHTS: Cooperation, teamwork, some balance, creativity and upper body isometrics.

INSTRUCTIONS:  I use this game as a small station activity especially when I have to teach in a classroom.  I use it as one of several stations.
     This game is very simple, but my kids love the challenge.  I have my students work in pairs, or threes.  Each team is given 50+ tennis balls (The more the better) to use for their World Record Breaking attempts.  One person is designated the holder, the other player(s) will be the feeders.  The object of the game is to see how many balls the holder can hold off the ground for 10 seconds, with the following rule:
     - The holder may not use clothing or any other item, to hold the tennis balls off the floor.
     - Tennis balls can be held with any body parts, as long as the tennis balls are not contacting the floors or walls.
The feeders will continue to add balls to the holder until they have reached the holder max limit.  Once the holder can hold no more, the score is counted and we switch holders until all players have had a turn to be the holder.  Ideally, it would be nice for each player to get several turns so that they may utilize ideas in order to beat their personal best.



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